If there were to be a new world order what would that look like from a Christian point of view?

Yeah, that’s my POV. My kids do all that all the time like me.

You speak like if im acusing you or the universalists of doing those things.Reality is other people do that stuff.And then make it to heaven…

I am reminded of the communists. They imagined that capitalists and religions contributed nothing to the world and sought to remake the world without these people. To be sure a big part of the problem was the methods they used, but in reality even if they could have done it all by magic, it would still have been a disaster – creating incomparable poverty with no capitalists in the west to bail them out. This is the shortsightedness of people who cannot see the value of people different from themselves.

Whatever method yeah im sure commiting genocide because the guy that works all day for the state doenst also worship the communist party its totally ok .Lol .You got a point btw

Why shouldn’t they? God’s responsible in every sense.

But to be more specific…

I am a Christian because I happen to think that beliefs found in that spectrum of beliefs is true – not because I think it earns me a place in heaven. And no I don’t even believe that theism, let alone Christianity is a panacea for the world’s problems. I would say not even close but even that is understatement… thank God for all the atheists, Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus, and others in the world holding the ■■■■ Christians in check!!!

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Why shouldnt they rape and kill?

Of course…

There bad people from all religions.So those you stated above are not exclusive but yeah

I dont know what to say.So its ok for you to murder and rape?If yes i think you might need to speak with someone,i really dont know what to answer you.I though it was common sense

Was this sarcasm or irony or something?

Yes of course! That goes for all them. Each in their turn have proven quite a plague… well… I can easily instantiate this in the case of atheists, Muslims, Hindus, and others… But I would be harder pressed in the case of the Buddhists… but I suspect this is just because I don’t know enough in that case.

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Interesting.It really puts you in the correct mindset as you dont see God as a “genie”.But i whoukd reverse that and ask you.Whould you still believe in God if you were going to hell no matter what?

I am by no means a universalist but I feel that nonetheless the concept is often misunderstood. Similar arguments are used again conditional immortality and annihilation.

They say well of the punishment is not a eternity of being tortured and is merely being destroyed then why should anyone choose to do good. I mean if I can enjoy of sin and then die with just the consequence of being dead for all eternity then why should I do good?

Well becomes you choose to pursue God and Bear fruits of the spirit.

Likewise, Universalism is not a concept built around being free to do whatever evil you want because ultimately you’ll be saved anyways. Universalism is not a license of immortality. It’s a paradigm centered around what seems like Calvinism to me where we are saved by grace , all of us over time, including the worse of the worse regardless of what we think or do. Universalists are not running around carrying out crimes against humanity anymore than annihilationist.

To be honest, at least in places like America, Russia, and Europe the majority of people believe in God and they believe in eternal torment. Yet they also make up the majority of people who carry out all the crimes. There are very few universalists and annihilationists in the world compared to people who believe in eternal conscious torment. So believing in Jesus does not mean being perfect and imperfect people carry out crimes sometimes.

But again I don’t think the question was about a perfect world under the theocratic rule of Christ but this world, as it is, under various laws and regulations.

It’s a lighthearted question expecting simple worldview answers. It’s not asking for a in-depth 800 page thesis and accompanying glossary to explain itself.

That is the way I took it too, and to not take ourselves too seriously, as some are wont.

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I 100% believe on that.Thast why we are different.No matter what we do its Gods choise.No actions.(although they are what makes us christians since we show our fruits and character)

But from the other hand even chosing to do right because you follow God its easy to be led astray.Like what if a dillema comes?Knowing that i will go to heaven anyway why should i fight with my inner self to go to the bad direction?Why should i fight with my demons and temptations and not just give up and then give in

Absolutely. I would be singing his praises in hell as I am able. His being worthy has nothing to do with whether He can dig me out of the particular hell I have fashioned for myself or not. I have faith because it is all I can do, not because I imagine it is enough.

But then he whould have been an evil god dont you think?


Evil because he cannot pull MY fat out of the fire? Why???

I won’t be singing the praises of an evil god even if THAT god COULD “save” (make things comfortable for) me.

Don’t believe in a god who is in absolute control of everything. That doesn’t sound like a good god to me at all.

I 100% believe we are saved by grace. But not because it is simply God’s choice but because it is God’s accomplishment. Our choice is required and I don’t think it takes much… the door of faith open just a crack will do it, I THINK. And God probably has to create the door for us to do even that much. But that is my guess, my idea. I could be wrong. But I don’t believe in Augustine’s putrid idea that God arbitrarily chooses some to be saved. I believe God offers that to all of us and it is we who make the crucial choice.

Absolutely faith plays a major part as well.I agree.

I don t agree though to God not beign in control of eveyrthing.If hes not he either chose not to which is kinda of a deist belief or ihes simply not god

Well consider this nightmarish scenario.

I could collect stray cats by luring them to my vehicle with food and nets. I could then bring them back to my house and kill them in private and burn their bodies in fires and spread the ashes in the woods and pulverize the bones into dust and dump it in the river. I would never be caught and if I told no one I would never be found out. There would be no consequences to me behavior.

It night not even be something directly called a sin. So may be no punishment for it period.

But you know why I would never do that? I find it disgusting. I find it evil. Even if sometimes I see wild cats destroying the local ecosystem I don’t believe In Machiavellian approaches as solutions. So I’m not doing it because I care about cats even the strays and it has nothing to do with fear of being in trouble for doing something grotesque. So likewise I don’t do evil to other humans because I care about them. Even if they are strangers I don’t wish unnecessary harm on them.

Then there are personal consequences. I like vanilla soy ice cream with fudge and pecan toppings. I could eat a giant bowl worth every night and it’s not a crime or a sin. I choose not to because it would make maintaining my physique very challenging. It would conflict with other things I care about. So likewise, it’s counter productive for me to embrace sin when I want to cultivate and maintain righteousness.

We do good because we are good. We make sacrifices and do good even when we want to do bad because we love God.

Take sex for example. God says to only do it with your spouse and then gives further details about what qualifies as a spouse. Even if I would not be punished by God or if that punishment would still ultimately result in me being saved I would still choose to remain celibate until married because it pleases God and it helps ensure you don’t view women as just objects to be used. It helps you keep the brotherly paradigm in place and help others do good.

There are a lot of reasons to choose righteousness and oppose wickedness beyond simply being punished for it.