Happy Winter Solstice

Yes, my purpose and meaning of my life is just as real to me as the bits and bytes that represent my net worth in stocks, bonds, and cash.

sorry for the offence caused so I try to be better to not mention the a-word.

"Science discoveries has been accomplished by human intellect, reasoning, and imagination"
Do you want to imply that science is not based on science :smile:

The diminishing of human life it by my understanding based on misinterpreted science, not Christianity. In fact Christianity puts a much higher value on this life and your conduct in how you lead it in the context of other lifes than science does as science should actually be free of values.

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There are at least two problems here. First, what doe we mean by existence. If only things that are physical have existence, then things that are rational or mental do not. Number are not physical, they are rational or relational, so numbers have no existence from this point of view. Therefore a financial report made up of paper and ink, or on the computer, is physical in that sense, but the numbers and writing on it are not.

Physical is physical. Rational is rational. Physical is not rational and visa versa. If only the physical exists, then the rational does not, which includes all language.

Second, the financial report represents something physical like money in the bank. Your purpose and meaning do not represent something physical. Again you say that it is real to you, while saying on the other hand that only the physical is real. Does that mean that we are back to subjectivism? Science is real and true if I believe that it is real and true, and not if you believe that it is not.

Third, if the reality of meaning and purpose of life is truly subjective then it is true that people can do whatever they please without concern for the feelings, needs, rights, and well being of anyone else. I don’t think you believe this, and I hope no one else does either.

Patrick, you cannot have it both ways. You cannot treat the rational as real when it is convenient and helpful, while at the same time insisting upon an ideology that clearly says that the rational which is not physical does not exist.

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I don’t think the financial report represents anything physical. It certainly doesn’t represent “money in the bank”. The whole concept of money is an abstraction. Consider a 1000 shares of the S&P500 index. What is it physically?

Yes I do believe that the meaning and purpose of life is truly subjective and people can decide what is morally right and morally wrong and act accordingly. And what is right and wrong changes with time. I have found that when people get rid of religious dogma and doctrine they behave more like the teachings of Jesus and are more kind and emphatic to other people. It seems that when the promise of a second life is no longer believable, people cherish this life more and try to protect it more for themselves, their loved ones, and other people in general.


If you are talking about today’s world, I do not find political name-calling, racial conflict and repeated mass shootings evidence of people being more kind and emphatic.

On the other hand people are using terrorism to make their way into heaven. The opponents the New Atheists should be taking on is the Jihadis, not Christians.

I am glad that you know that money is not real, but it is as real as your purpose in life. It seems that what you are saying is that nature is “more real” that you are. Nature is more real than humanity. People are less real than the universe. Physical reality is more real than human reality. How can this be? How can we have levels of reality and who determines which is more real?

I see a lot of conflict in the name of religion, don’t you?

Yes, they are using the promise of an afterlife to kill their way into heaven.

No, I am saying that I am part of the natural, real world.

Correct, I use the term nature to mean the entire universe. Also nature could also mean the entire Earth.

Don’t understand this statement.

Physical reality is physical reality. What thoughts are in a living human’s brain are a jumbled mess of neuron firings. And are completely gone when the brain ceases functioning.

I don’t understand what you mean by levels of reality. And nobody determines which is more real.
Take fear. I can be afraid that a lion is going to eat me today. It can be a real fear that I have. Could it actually happen today? I doubt it as there are no loins nearby. I can’t prove that there are no lions nearby but I can still live in fear that lions will eat me if I walk in the woods. Is this fear real? Yes, it is a real emotion in my brain. Is it true? Certainly not. It is purely the workings of a confused and mentally ill brain.


When that jumbled mess of neuron firings is translated into words and published in books or on the internet, they will last far after the brain and person ceases to function. This is how the rational is superior to the physical.

Then too the rational ideas and ideals you have taught your children and others will have an effect far beyond your life. Also the things that your brain has empowered you to do like build an encryption procedure or apparatus that will protect the secrets of the rich and powerful will have an impact on the world far beyond your life time.

Life beyond the grave is not a myth. Life beyond the grave is a reality on earth and beyond because Reality is a whole, not a collection of parts. This is the importance of Einstein’s Theory of Relational Reality that the New Atheists refuse to recognize and accept.

Life and Reality are not just the physical. It is composed of time and space, which are not physical, but make possible thinking and knowing. It is also composed of meaning and purpose, which make possible intelligent life.

Your problem is not that you reject God, but you oversimplify Life and Reality and make it meaningless in the long run.


Agree. Also I work to help all people not just the rich and powerful. Hopefully it will have a positive impact on the world far beyond my lifetime.

Will you be alive in 2075?


My problems have nothing to do with rejecting God as I don’t believe God exists so to reject God would require me to accept his existence, which I don’t. I try to overcome what I perceive as problems in order to make my life meaningful in the long run.

this is logic beyond belief :smile:

if presented with a theory a rational thinking mind has to either accept of reject an idea based on the plausibility of it’s truth value. The only way to avoid this is ignorance. Tell me how you can debate with someone who is ignorant?


It seems to me that people should be as open as possible. I really cannot think as to why people would want deep encryption unless it is to protect their wealth or power.

Yes, I will be alive in 2075.

“My problems have nothing to do with rejecting God as I don’t believe God exists so to reject God would require me to accept his existence, which I don’t. I try to overcome what I perceive as problems in order to make my life meaningful in the long run.”

Maybe you do not reject God, but you deny the existence of God. Denial is the refusal to accept or even consider the acceptance of reality. The issue is that you are thinking in terms of meaning, when there is no rational foundation for “meaning” and the long run when there is no rational foundation for “the long run.”

Do you have any secrets of longevity that you want to share? I just rejoined the gym. It may improve my health quite a bit but I doubt it will result in my living to 117. But you never know, maybe some genetic discovery could come along that grows my telemeres back and extends my life.

I accept reality quite well. I cherish this life, this day, and the lives of my family and friends. Going to a favorite restaurant for dinner tonight to welcome in 2016. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2016. But since you are going to be alive in 2075, it is unlikely that life in 2016 can cause you much harm, but I still suggest seat belts.

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