In science there are varying degrees of ‘wrongness.’ In my research I regularly measure the current through small channels (5-30 nm in diameter). It turns out that to a good first approximation the system obeys Ohm’s law (voltage = current x resistance). However, it turns out that upon closer inspection, this is not quite right! There are deviations from Ohm’s law if you try to put too many ions through the channel at once (i.e. an interplay between the background concentration and the size of the channel) or many other possible nanoscale interactions. It turns out that instead of:
you need to use a coupled set of differential equations (Poisson’s Law to describe the concentration of ions inside the channel due to surface charges of the channel it self and the Nernst-Planck equations that describes the motion of charges- note there’s also the equations for fluid flow that aren’t shown here):
These equations are virtually impossible to solve analytically and thus approximations must be made (i.e. if the potential of the surface is smaller than the thermal energy these equations can be simplified). And we know that this solution is still not correct. But a good question is: is an approximation to the different equations more or less wrong than using Ohm’s law? It’s obviously less wrong or ‘more right.’
Let’s recap before moving on to the original title of the post.
- To a first approximation, Ohm’s law is approximately correct under certain conditions.
- Ohm’s law needs modified and nearly entirely replaced to describe the transport through small channels yet still remains a good approximation.
- We know that we don’t have the exact solution, yet our present solution is closer than previous models/calculations.
The Flat Earth Model vs. YEC
First, the flat earth model…
- The earth is approximately flat. Instead of curving 0 miles per every mile, it curves just 0.000126 miles per mile. Yet this tiny difference adds up and the model becomes much wronger over large distances.
- Yet a spherical model is also not quite right. The earth bulges just slightly at the waist and thus is better described to be an “oblate spheroid.” How much deviation from a sphere is the Earth? The equatorial diameter is 7917 miles and the polar diameter is 7900 miles, or a deviation from a perfect sphere of less than 0.1%.
- Yet even this is not quite right as the earth has local bulges and dips due to gravitational attraction and is best described by the geodetic model:
- In summary, the flat earth model is a good approximation. But it is more wrong than the spherical model. The spherical model is more wrong than the oblate spheroid. The oblate spheroid is more wrong than the geodetic model. And on top of all of these models there are mountains and valleys which provide further deviation of up to 0.2%!
Isaac Asimov described this progression well in his essay: The Relativity of Wrong
The YEC model:
- There are no measurements that are approximately in agreement with the YEC model.
- There is nothing that anyone can point to an measure, getting an age of 6,000 years. The only thing advocates of this model can do is a) try to point out maximum ages for things that are smaller than numbers like 13.8 billion or 4.5 billion or b) argue that God created things with apparent age.
- Examples of the former include infamous arguments like “galaxies wind too fast,” “the oceans would be too salty,” “too few supernova remnants,” etc. These are always fascinating because they provide no positive evidence for a 6,000 year universe. They also require one to ignore or cherry-pick through scientific literature with some being based on complete lies.
- There are no measurements of anything ever that provide actual support for this model.
- In short, the flat earth model is more right than the YEC model.