Evolution and Holiness

I am sorry if you took it that way pagan is NOT what I meant, I simply meant that Paul attempted to persuade the people of the Truth of Christ and they would not believe him, i say very logical and commonsense things such as evolution {Darwinism} and creation by the word and power of God can NOT be partners and I am fully aware that {bio logos} is attempting to say they can and many people believe they can on the web site, that is what was meant.:relaxed: no offense intended. "Evolution by God "makes an excuse to love both God and the worlds way.I think it is more like when Jesus said you can not love Both God and mammon{Matthew 6:24} because you will hate one and cling to the other. I say you can not love both creation and evolution because you will love one and despise the other.

it is my stand that evolution does indeed diminish the human being as made in the image of God it is an attempt to put humanism{creation with out God} in the creation of man.It is an attempt to “shake hands with Darwin” so to speak. what is the difference in evolution with God and with out God except for the word "GOD’? Absolutely nothing!

It really amazes me that people would “choke” so to speak, on the simple idea of God spoke and it happened. It may be that man can not live with the idea that he may never know how everything came into existence. And the very fact that man can not stand not to know why and how something is. I have not been able to understand it except to say that in the fall “man became his own god” so to speak and feels and believes that if he can not say why and how something is,it means that he{man} is ignorant or lacks intelligence. i do NOT feel that way however. I believe that God did it and when i get to heaven he will let me know how,if he so chooses to.that is his prerogative as the creator and i accept it as such without having to explain it all now and because i know we never will be able to.:relaxed:

Without God there would be absolutely nothing to evolve… So evolution cannot exist without God actively upholding the created order of things.

Evolution is a scientific theory. So it does not have anything to say about God. I can say something similar about gravity… “What’s the difference between the theory of gravity with and without God?” Nothing, so the theory of gravity is a bad worldly theory that goes against God??

Take, for example, the development of an embryo. We understand fairly well how the embryo develops. There’s a good consensus that the processes are natural. “What’s the difference between embryonic growth with and without God?” Nothing? We as Christians believe that every birth is a miracle. But the natural descriptions do not contradict God’s power to perform miracles in any way. He speaks and… it happens, leaving the “how” unspecified.

If God leaves the how unspecified it is not for me to claim that Darwinism is true just to make the “how” specified.

We believe God didn’t leave the ‘how’ unspecified in his creation, even if it is unspecified in the Bible. He gave us brains that could do math and make observations and understand all the clues and evidence we find.

If it is wrong to try to understand the ‘how’ of something not described in the Bible, Christians shouldn’t perform open heart surgery or fly airplanes or learn to program computers. Those are all unbiblical knowledge areas. That is exactly the attitude that makes people claim Christians are anti-science.

a person could live his whole existence and do all his business on this planet and not even hear the word “gravity” one time or have clue as to what it was and it would not phase him in the least in his daily task. That is one of the very reasons i do believe in God. He makes the earth and all it’s laws work for you in either case. If you think you have it figured out how it works or even if you do not give a flying hoot how it works you can exist and do your daily work.NOW, that’s the kind of God I serve.:smiley:

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On the contrary, you can be 100% scientific and start your science with “in The beginning God” and be totally correct in doing so and not unscientific in any way. that idea that one must believe in evolution to be scientific minded is a misnomer and a flaw.Isaac Newton believed in God and I have heard people say he was the greatest scientific mind of his time The study of mans Body that you can plainly see is 100% different than evolution that you can not see happening in any animal any where. the physical body of man can be seen and worked on the idea of evolution it simply being a “process” can not. :slight_smile:

And I believe in the end of our lives God will be much like gravity is in this sense that he was there and existed if you were rich or if you were poor or you lived your life for him or you did not or even if you believed in him or did not or you even cared if he existed when you were alive or you did not.I have a strong feeling you will look him in the eye when you die and find out he is still there when you are well dead and buried and it will be his turn to tell you his opinion of you. and at that time all the science in the universe will not be able to help you then.:cry:


Martin, you are right. Science is not an end, It is a means.

However Jesus commanded us to love God with all our heart, all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength.

Jesus did not tell us to love God with all our mind except that part of the mind that has been influenced by science, because science is contrary to God.

This is my view of science and evolutionist would not agree to it but, it works and it goes like this: Nature is everything around us and science is just {man kinds study or undertaking to understand} of that which God has created in nature.This definition works well and does seem very correct, that is unless you take “God out of the picture” then it just becomes “humanistic” and becomes “man kinds study of things that man has no clue as to how it got here or why”. see when you attempt to take God out of life and “science as well” science falls apart and becomes a bunch of meaningless “mumbo jumbo of who knows what and why”? All people may not view it like this but, i must because it is a logical conclusion when you follow it to it’s end and I do not know why.Probably because the truth is God created everything.

@martin, if you think that all “evolutionists” take God out of life, then you have not been reading what BioLogos and those who blog on these pages are saying.

Please open you eyes and ears. We often disagree, but we do not question each other’s faith. I think that most every one here would agree with your view of science.

Often the question is, How does God make God known through nature? That is where the disagreement arises.

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