Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom

I don’t know pot…I’m feel like I am reply to a excerpt out of context from you on a different topic. I am not even sure how to address them. I am just putting my opinions of those topics. We are so far branched out of some of these…the straw man is about 5 generation lol It’s hard not to make a straw man out of a 5th generation straw man.

There is a difference between a doc saying “You don’t need it” and having a legitimate medical reason. Docs can be conspiracists, too, you know. (I would not trust Rand Paul’s medical opinion on much besides a prescription for glasses.)

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"That’s because smallpox was endemic in England, meaning that a high percentage of British troops had already contracted the disease as children and now carried lifelong immunity. "

Washington seemed to believe that the British didn’t need to vaccine (or I should say innoculate by way of pus in an open wound lol)…because of natural immunity that the colonist didn’t have. Interesting… I wonder if he asked his soldiers who had already got smallpox to get the vaccine. I wonder if he got the vaccine since he didn’t need it.

" I have therefore determined, not only to innoculate all the Troops now here, that have not had it, but shall order Docr. Shippen to innoculate the Recruits as fast as they come in to Philadelphia… First, medical personnel had to examine each individual to determine if they had contracted the disease in the past…"

Seems Washington didn’t force innoculate those who already had it.

None of that is to the point, that point being legitimate authority.

maybe we should vet docs better? A governmental board to oversee the appointing of MD degrees? Or say the govt can’t go against your doc’s advise…unless they are a conspiracy theorist? Tongue firmly in cheek lol lest you accuse me of a straw man.

I’m pretty sure there is no scientific evidence supporting this. The very rare instances of deaths because of the COVID vaccine were due to blood clots, never pneumonia. Most serious reactions to COVID vaccines are allergic reactions, the symptoms of which are not the same at all as COVID. You don’t think doctors can tell the difference between vaccine side effects and COVID infections, after the billions of vaccine doses that have been observed and the hundreds of millions of COVID infections that have been observed?

Okay, but you realize that coronaviruses and influenza viruses are not the same and there is no reason to expect that the immunity works the same way. We have actual data an coronavirus antibodies in people in this pandemic, we have no need to extrapolate from a few cases from a hundred years ago and a different disease. That isn’t how science works. There is no universal law of antibodies. Different pathogens affect the human immune system in different ways.

That is not recommended by the scientists whose job it is to study the data and make recommendations. So no, don’t agree.



They don’t approve things because they might be good. They have to see data that it would be beneficial. They were not convinced yet that there were enough demonstrated benefits for the general population to recommend it. It wasn’t because it was too risky.

I don’t think you are interpreting these studies correctly, because I haven’t heard any such thing from anyone. Please post. From what I’ve read antibodies from the original COVID variant are not protecting people from Delta.

42.4% of Americans are obese. It’s not this rare risk factor. And I get ads for products every day telling me I probably need to lose weight, even though I don’t, so where do you live that the media isn’t constantly telling people not to be fat? Or is it just women who feel that constant pressure?

People have had plenty of access to truth. They choose to listen to liars and charlatans. The problem is not that the truth isn’t out there.


Seems Washington and his attributors did not have the science of COVID antibodies in mind.


I think that is more of a female issue (social pressure) that is slowly changing. But the ads telling you to lose weight…are they selling something?

I am not referring to the “medically overweight” people. I mean the obese, the greatly overweight. With knee problems, cholesterol problems, type 2 diabetes from it ect. They should make healthier life choices, it is costing them life span, and quality of life later on. Covid is just a small example of something that ends their life sooner than most.

This seems like the same logic used to not approve a booster. Since there are some who might have faulty tests and there isn’t enough evidence yet, we can’t approve it. This isn’t to say it doesn’t work as good or better…we just don’t have enough data yet to say so.

I say then data must be gathered before making federal mandates requiring something that might not have a benefit but does introduce risks.

Fair enough. I did say it was correlation science, not causation. That is why correlation is the poorest form of science.

I agree on both sides. But I do believe the overwhelming majority of media is “making news” not informing of truth. Fauci even saying way back when that masks aren’t needed, and then doubling back to say they are.

Thats fine, people make mistakes and learn new things an adapt. BUT use that as a lesson that you aren’t all knowing and the very advise you could be giving could also be wrong. Instead of recommending things as confidently as you did that masks aren’t needed. Or worse, knowing they do work and are needed, but lying because you don’t trust the panic buying of said masks.

And now we find out yet again, that masks don’t work against covid, that is why droplet viruses like the flu went way down and covid stayed the same regardless of mask mandates. So which advise should we make mandates on? The ones that say we don’t need masks, or that we do, or that we don’t again.
I am not knocking him for either advise as again, we don’t know what we don’t know till we prove it. But even then things can be proven wrong. Just humility is all I am getting at. The earth was flat for how long before it was round?..and for some flat again lol

I still think you would have more positive results if you didn’t make mandates based of of “assumed truths” or not yet proven wrong possibilities.

I would have guessed the number of people infected by flu would have dropped simply because people were masking and distancing more.

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Yet he still won the war and his strategy to innoculate only the those who never had smallpox worked…

I don’t think he used laboratory science, rather observations and logic. He saw that those in England who had mostly got smallpox weren’t getting it again. So he seemed to rightly assume that once you get something, you generally don’t get it again, or build some resistance to it.

You don’t always need a lab or degrees to observe things and correlate.

The war we are fighting and loosing because of antivaxxers and antimaskers is the war with COVID. The point remains about legitimate authority.

It’s hard to say that losing less than 1% of a population is “losing a war” You might want to tone down the fear mongering a notch or thousand lol.

And many people who don’t want the govt to mandate or think the govt has no right to mandate are far from anti vaxxers. Many have many vaccines and recommend it to others. Many of those even have the covid vaccine. Careful to paint with too broad of a brush.

The same goes for “antimaskers”. Many aren’t against masks, they are against mask mandates. Like I am against someone sneezing in my face, but I don’t think there should be a law against it. It’s different if they have a known or potential to have a disease and they want to spread it to me maliciously. But if they or their 6 year old kid are living their lives and they get me sick and I even die from it. The world keeps spinning, my family will morn me and continue to live their lives.

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Why are we having this discussion.

And that is not really up-to-date, especially since schools are just starting.

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again, tone the fear mongering down… You know what else goes up exponentially from June? (Or used to…) influenza cases. You know what else goes up 1000% (if you were to cherry pick data)…deers being hunted from June to Nov.

We all know cases of covid for everyone was down in June, and now they are back up. It’s back up in those vaccinated, unvaccinated, children, elderly, women. But saying 260% of children…thats scary news, publish it! If it bleeds it leads. from June 11, 2020 there were 14k new cases.Jan 8 2020 there were 208k new cases. Where were the news articles saying covid cases down 95% And 95% reducing is HUGE.
Thats nearly all! A 260% raise is not even triple. That is going from 11k to 28.6k! WOW! That’s news worthy.

Sorry I am not aiming any anger towards you, I feel bad you are emotionally swayed by the headlines. All of my malice is directed and the media here and fear mongering.

Though as @Christy made clear, this isn’t the 1918 flu. It is interesting that they had a wave, then a second wave, then a third wave that seemed to affect children more. So I am not too surprised to see this happen, if I were to correlate the two.

That is the opposite from the likely scenario of a six-year-old dying because of the failure to mandate masks and vaccines.

It’s funny, but fatalism does not inspire, not does it make any point.

Then I will explain further. I have no anger or malice towards the one that may have caused my loved one to contract a disease that then ended killed them. I think they should have lived their life how they did, and so should we and what happens happen. Again if there was no malicious intent from the “offender”

I live my life avoiding risks that I can, mitigating those I can’t and avoiding malicious people. If you don’t have malicious intent, then I will interact with you and not mandate you do what makes me feel more comfortable or lowers my perceived risks.

Is that what it is. An infant with COVID that has to be taken by medevac helicopter from a children’s hospital to somewhere else because there are no more pediatric ventilators left is the reality. A mom that lost her six-year-old to COVID from the unmasked unvaccinated adults at school has a right to be angry, I should think, and would tearfully regret not having advocated for mandates

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I right to grieve, sure. A right to be angry…temporarily maybe. But if you live your life in resentment thinking you have a right to be angry at anyone for anything they do non-malicioiusly, you probably have a mad life. I mean anger is a reaction and emotion that is natural. But you allow it to turn to resentment, it is only hurting you.

Let go of the hate and you will have a better life. Dare I say even those with malicious intent. If you hold resentment towards them you are only harming yourself. You can learn to forgive and not hold the past against anyone and live your life. God doesn’t hold anything against anyone, like a loving parent. He desires to fix you, which is to say for you to repent. And punishment can help lead you to repentance, but so can kindness. As soon as you turn from your wrong doing, you are forgiven, and that forgiveness comes from yourself accepting His forgiveness which is automatic.
When God said He would destroy Nineveh for the horrendous things they did, unless they repented, that is to fix it and stop doing it. And they did stop, it was fixed, and He didn’t destroy them. He didn’t hold the past against them no lambs were required to be sacrificed. The stopped, He stopped. Because He never didn’t forgive them, there was anger, but no resentment had. Simply a desire for them to fix what was broken.

This is why God sent Jesus to inform us that all of our sins are forgiven by God, through Jesus, and all we have to do is stop, or desire to stop, and ask Him to help us stop.

So no, I would have no resentment towards one who even intentionally gave my loved one covid and they died from it. But one with no malicious intent, they can’t even ask for forgiveness or stop, because they are doing anything wrong. They are just living their lives the best they can.

God is in control, if He didn’t allow any one to get any virus, nobody would get any virus. He knows there is a virus, and He knows the division it is causing even among the church unfortunately.

I am presenting my thoughts and the logic behind how I came up with those opinions. Some of them are constitutional thoughts, some or moral. I may even get the vaccine someday soon, though I don’t think I need it nor will it help anything, if I get it so be it. I still don’t think the govt has the right to do what it is doing. Nor do I think anyone has the moral right to enforce their opinions on others.

I don’t think you are bad for having the opinions you have. I see more sharp/criticizing comments coming from you than those clearly seasoned with grace like @Christy or @Chris_Falter. But my skin is thick, life goes on, I have no ill will or resentment toward you.

Live your life, avoiding risks, mitigating the risks you can, and don’t mandate others do things to lower your risks if they aren’t malicious. You will be much happier. Because you can’t control others, and attempting to do so just eats you up.

I mean it is ok to vote for things and inform others and attempt to sway people to see your way. But to insist or the “war is lost” if your way isn’t got, is sad. If your security in this life is to have your way or panic, I understand defending it because it sways your very foundation. But God is my foundation, and He can’t be moved, so nothing can shake the foundation I cling to.

Most of those aren’t aimed at you @Dale, I use the term “you” in a general sense for much of that. The only thing directed at you is the more ‘aggressive’ posts I sense coming from your direction than with others. You post just got my thoughts going that way so that is why I quoted that.

I’m not taking anything personally, so you’re not preaching to me. Your opinion against mandates, local school or otherwise, is woefully shortsighted. The term ‘armchair quarterback’ comes to mind on a Saturday afternoon in September, I’m not sure why. :slightly_smiling_face:


Have you noticed the tag after my name. :slightly_smiling_face:

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