Does the existence of time disprove atheistic evolution?


Hello Dr. Ted,

I have read St Augustine many times; however, I need to read up on Sir Isaac. He was also a historic premillennialist; however, he was a Unitarian.

Same to you. I wish you and your family a Merry Winter Solstice and a healthy and happy new year.


Thanks. You are not a bad guy. I mean that.

I know. You’re not a bad guy either. Some of my best friends are Christians. :grinning:


Referring to Ted’s comment.

Sir Isaac the Unitarian scientist disagreed with Augustine the theologian, but later Albert Einstein the Jewish scientist developed the Theory of Relativity which revised Newton’s ideas and brought science back in agreement with St. Augustine. Theology is NOT always wrong.

The universe is relational, just as God is relational after all.

P. S. I do not think that this is a side issue.

To read up on that aspect of Newton, you’ll probably need to visit a college or university library. Look for articles by J. E. McGuire, starting in the 1970s. And yes, Newton denied the Trinity and the full deity of Jesus, on biblical grounds.Among other arguments, he made a special point of emphasizing that two classic “proof texts” for the Trinity are what he called (in an essay he sent to John Locke) “two notable corruptions of Scripture,” namely 1 Tim 3:16 and 1 John 5:7. See An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture - Wikipedia for more.

@Relates ,

You are right. Isn’t it interesting that science ends up returning to God?


I hope we get together again on a topic soon!

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Sure. Anytime.

Patrick IS quite the conundrum… :smiley:

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