Does amnesia create a different personality in a purpose and did the ancient Greeks understand the purpose of a brain?

Why did the early Greeks believe that we have an immortal soul since we have a physical brain? Is it because they did not understand the functioning of the human brain? Remember that the Hebrew word nephesh does not stand for an immortal soul; on the contrary, it means a living being or soul in the sense of a total person. The Harper Collins Bible Dictionary says this about the word “soul;” It is also important also to recognize that the Greek immortality of the soul was virtually unknown to authors of the Hebrew Bible." Did the Greeks not understand that the brain is what gives us our thoughts and ideas? Did they ever consider the fact that the brain evolves or at least believed it? What is the energy that runs our bodies like electricity? Does it survive death? How can we explain amnesia and the existence of the human soul if Plato was right? What role would the brain play in this? Does a human being who has amnesia become a different person while under this condition, i.e., likes and dislikes, preferring one food over another, or being in love with one girl over another?

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