Do animals communicate with us?

I had a dog once who was a good friend? When we received her, she had not learned doggie noises. Therefore, I made noises to her that dogs could make; however, dogs usually don not make. My wife and I have a cat now that came from the wild. I have taught it to meow twice whenever it sees me. I only does it to me and not my wife. Does that mean that animals can learn forms of communication too? It may be primitive; however, it seems to be communication.

There have been gorillas who have been taught to sign and bonobos who have been taught to use symbol boards similar to ones some autistic people use. Animal communication is a whole field of study. I don’t think anyone argues that animals don’t communicate. What gets disputed is whether animals use semiotic systems complicated enough to count as “language.” Some researchers say they do.

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Thank you for your answer. I believe that animals have a very primitive level of language and body communication. I have seen that in former pets of mine. I hope you will join us under Theology/Philosophy under the title: The Evolution of Human Language. God bless

Post Scriptum: You are a nice person too. I really mean that. Also, you are quite polite.


You would love this free course: Dog Emotion and Cognition taught by Brian Hare of Duke University.


It is nice to hear from you. I will be happy to view the course since communication is one of my favorite subjects. You are a very kind lady and reflect the kindness that Jesus shows. I had to go to Patient First after Nancy and I went to see at Cinemark " It’s a Wonderful Life" after church. Movies during that period had a great deal of faith in them. I still like the movie, and I wanted to see it on the big screen. Oh, it was nothing serious. I had a small eye infection. Again, thank you for the kindness.

Post Scriptum: I just became a Follower of The American Scientific Affiliation. Dr. Irwin Moon of the Moody Institute of Science belonged to this. I should see some interesting articles.

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