In the last day or so I have gleaned an important (and probably valid) distinction between BioLogos and PeacefulScience. I thought I would air this distinction to see if others agree … or to affirm that the distinction is more my perception than real.
For sometime, it has been fairly straightforward for me to describe PeacefulScience (and the work of @swamidass) as geared towards a specific audience:
Evangelicals who are currently Young Earth in their world view because they believe Paul’s position is correct (Romans 5) - - that without a [real] Adam - - either Christian atonement cannot work, or atonement isn’t necessary.
[Note: both and BL also have atheists in their audience, but for the purpose of this thread this particular nuance or issue will not be explored.]
Just recently, a BioLogos moderator offered a different focus for BioLogos [below is my paraphrase]:
the core BL audience are those who already accept the latest academic synthesis of Evolutionary processes, but struggle with reconciling their view of Evolution with interpreting and accepting the Bible!
If this description of one of the BioLogos missions fails, I would be immediately pleased to change it for a more accurate summation.
However, if the description is more or less on point, we can certainly BETTER understand why PS and BL may sometimes work at cross-purposes!!!
The PS approach attempts to lower the hurdle for Young Earthers to reconcile their faith with Evolution …
while BL attempts to lower the hurdle of Evolutionists to embrace the Bible more allegoricaly.
It goes without saying (but I will say anyway to be sure) that the BL approach has no need, or even a preference for an historical Adam… while the PS approach encourages a new kind of conversation where advocating an historical (and specially created) Adam no longer threatens to overturn Evolutionary science!
Responses or recriminations welcome or encouraged.