Did They Have One Too Many? Of Bacchus and Yahweh

Pax Christi, everybody!

Here is an interesting excerpt from a Wikipedia article I found regarding Bacchus. In it, there was a section explaining the conflation of he and God.

“Several ancient sources record an apparently widespread belief in the classical world that the god worshiped by the Jewish people, Yahweh, was identifiable as Dionysus or Liber via his identification with Sabazios. Tacitus, Lydus, Cornelius Labeo, and Plutarch all either made this association, or discussed it as an extant belief (though some, like Tacitus, specifically brought it up in order to reject it). According to Plutarch, one of the reasons for the identification is that Jews were reported to hail their god with the words “Euoe” and “Sabi”, a cry typically associated with the worship of Sabazius. According to scholar Sean McDonough, it is possible that Plutarch’s sources had confused the cry of “Iao Sabaoth” (typically used by Greek speakers in reference to Yahweh) with the Sabazian cry of “Euoe Saboe”, originating the confusion and conflation of the two deities. The cry of “Sabi” could also have been conflated with the Jewish term “sabbath”, adding to the evidence the ancients saw that Yahweh and Dionysus/Sabazius were the same deity. Further bolstering this connection would have been coins used by the Maccabees that included imagery linked to the worship of Dionysus such as grapes, vine leaves, and cups. However the belief that the Jewish god was identical with Dionysus/Sabazius was widespread enough that a coin dated to 55 BC depicting a kneeling king was labelled “Bacchus Judaeus” ( BACCHIVS IVDAEVS ), and in 139 BC praetor Cornelius Scipio Hispalus deported Jewish people for attempting to “infect the Roman customs with the cult of Jupiter Sabazius”.[212]

Were the Jews of the time okay with this conflation? Or was it an assumption on behalf of Rome. Or perhaps was this idea created by individuals similar to The God-Fearers?


From Wikipedia, you say?

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Yep. Dionysus.

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