Did Manichaean ideas influenced the brands of Christianity?

No it wasn’t what? The Eastern Orthodox church is officially Catholic, is its official name suggests: the Orthodox Catholic Church, along with all the other eastern churches.

That doesnt mean that it is.I can claim whateveer i want.They both claim apostolic succession which cannot prove.Both teachings have shifted from early christianity.Im an orthodox myself and i dont believe in some things my brothers do(like saints)

Sorry? They elevated him to the status of all but demiurge. Some Christian heretics do exactly that.

They are heretics as you said

Who?The heretics or the early christians?And if so i need a source of that(for the latter) thanks

The New Testament from beginning to end.

Not its doesnt.The power Satan or The Devil of generally the adversary is no match to God.Not even in the slightest.

Right. Not in human affairs? Not as the Prince of the Powers of the Air, not as the Prince and Ruler of this world, not as a ravening lion seeking whom he may devour? Not as our adversary? Not as the tempter? Not as the liar and the father of lies? Not as the power behind Rome as in all other empires before and concurrent and since? The Parthians? The Arabs? The Turks? The Chinese? Not at the door?

Even with all these attributes or names(some of them could be hyperboles which is used enough times in scripture)still his power is no mach.If anyone believes otherwise he sould worship him then instead of our Lord.And many do to be honest(falsely)

People worship anything and everything they make up. So yeah, despite his immense all but inescapable power over every level of human activity, God is powerfuller in orthogonal ways.

True but this aint made up

You do agree then.Splendid

What isn’t made up? Satan the all but demiurgical Devil? Or, as the Jews have always understood as yetzer hara.

The Devil generally

As for this

I answered you before and you seem to agree with your response beign

.Im gonna have the final word though sorry.I think we have had a lengthy debate between us and i also think this might draw others away from commenting to this thread.Thanks for the gratious conversation Klax as always

Iron to iron my friend.

The Devil is entirely made up, metaphorical, makes no sense whatsoever in eternal, infinite nature or in life generally.

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