Darwin, Evolution, and God

Roger, I just reread these passages from your latest post, and belated realized how important they are. It would be nice if evolution were to lead us in the direction of the Kingdom of God. But it has NOT. At least evolution in the Biosphere. Teilhard saw this, and to emphasize its importance, he postulated the third sphere, the Noosphere, where humankind, following Christ’s lead, could guide their own evolution. Alas, too avant garde for most Christian leaders, including his own in the Vatican.
Al Leo


We are back to the Trinity again.

There are three aspects of life, the physical, the mental, and the spiritual. Evolution speaks of the history and change of the physical, while the Kingdom of God is the goal of God’s, salvation spiritual history.

Our problem is that we do not have a Trinitarian worldview. We have monistic world views which say that either the evolution of life will lead to perfection, or the evolution of thought will lead to the same or the evolution of faith will lead us there.

The problem is that science, philosophy, and theology have all been disconnected with each other. Too many people are riding their own hobby horses in terms of science, theology, or philosophy, and not concerned about how these three disciplines need to work together, or even that they do work together,

I for one canno9t understand how civilized people of God, Christians, Muslims, and Jews, can sit by and passively allow other “people of God” kill each other in outrageous numbers.

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