Contradictions and Knowledge

@klax and @MarkD it’s one thing if you want to ignore me elsewhere, but I will ask you refrain from airing your opinions which are off topic in a thread I started

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Irregardless of what a waveparticle is in super(natural)position, it is necessarily impossible for A to be non-A at the same time and in the same (even spatial) relationship.

As Kant said, “Without a contradiction, I have through mere pure concepts a priori no mark of impossibility.” Or is it possible he was mistaken?

Man this derailed fast

Like herding cats :grin:

I had it on my mind to make a comment regarding what was said about the physical impossibility of an infinite number of objects. If that is presumed upon, then I suppose it should follow for an infinite number of events in time.

Or in the way a physical singularity tears a hole in the fabric, so a sufficiently held expectation reorders the course of events.

There is some talk about this in New Age circles. I’ve heard of A Course in Miracles, and I’ve been more or less meaning to look into it.

Where was it supposed to go?

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I think the main point is that what seems to be a contradiction at face value may not be a contradiction in reality. Another example I came across recently was watching World Cup with some friends, and they were confused as to how someone could be British and Welsh at the same time (live in the US, in case it isn’t obvious). Their minds were really blown when they learned that England was only part of Britain.

  • Depends: Concrete objects or Abstract objects?
    • An infinite number of Concrete objects would be physically impossible because they couldn’t move … anywhere.
    • But an infinite number of Abstract objects, such as "points in Absolute Space is absolutely possible, and necessary because without them there could be no motion of anything Concrete, Animate or Inanimate.


  • There being an infinite number of “points” in Absolute Space, there must be an infinite number of “instants” in Absolute Time, otherwise there could be no such thing as “Continuous Motion”. Concrete Objects, Animate or Inaninate, would always “jump around” from one point to another.
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And Britain is only part of the United Kingdom.

Which is only a part of the Commonwealth?

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And a relatively small part at that.


This is an important consideration, and I understand what you are saying. Yet when a genuine contradiction is found, like when a person claims (or it is claimed about a person) that they were born in the US and England, it is necessarily false. There could be figures of speech involved, but not if it is literally said they were born in two different places.

I understand this seems silly, and I recall my logic professor talking about deductive logic and whether it can provide new information about the world. I seem to remember him saying that it cannot, as I remember thinking that it can with the ontological argument which I had recently learned at the time.

Someone once told me they could imagine an infinite number of points in their mind. I’m pretty sure they were lying.

  • Sure wasn’t me. Must have been someone with a very big imagination or a very large head, no?
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Before I met you. Funny thing is, there is no limit to the number of points you can imagine, it’s just that they never become actually infinite.

Yet there are.

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It wasn’t you either Klax… but now you have me doubting my memory.

So how many cubic meters do you suppose the Cosmos is/contains?

It’s possible your imagination is bigger than the cosmos… but assuming space is infinite, this just means there’s an infinite space with as many cubic meters or millimeters as you care to measure.

Except that by observation the physicist means measurment, and measurement happens BEFORE the poison is released or not released, so the cat is either alive or it is dead and never both.

When it is sub-atomic particles this can indeed be the case. They certainly can be in such a superposition state… like spin up in a chosen direction and not spin up in that direction.

The particle is acting (or being acted) upon in nonclassical space so the relationship changes.