Common Question: Should Christians get vaccinated?

Actually drove through Tuskegee this spring while on a camping trip to Destin, Florida. Big billboard about the airmen, but not about the syphilis study. It is an interesting history about how things can start off somewhat well meaning but misguided and go very wrong.
In some respects, Covid vaccinations are the opposite, with educated predominately white people having easy access and good vaccination rates, while minority vaccination rates lag behind with little being done to improve them. Systemic racism in action.


Many lessons have been learned in the scientific community when it comes to research involving human subjects. I have to take annual training on just that subject because I am often involved research that enrolls human subjects. Although we may grumble about it at times, the scientific community really does want oversight because of how valuable it is in preventing abuses like the Tuskegee study.

I have seen interviews with minorities who cite past abuses as reasons for being hesitant about getting the vaccine. If those same people were told that the vaccine would only be available to white people they would probably be outraged. Unfortunately, a loss of trust can result in no-win situations.


Here comes the delta variant which will kill many more primarily younger people who have not been vaccinated. Older folks, many having been vaccinated, are still assured a high degree of protection. Delta is going to spread like wildfire among our youth who are not getting vaccinated. Delta is spread much easier than the other variants. Rates of infection are exploding right now.

Some good news, but not enough:

Many vaccine skeptics have since changed their minds and gotten shots.
The Morning: Vaccine converts.


People also dont want to get vaccinated for political reasons. In that case i dont blame them

I am not sure on what that means…can you please clarify? Thanks.

More than a little late.


And then there’s Marjorie Taylor Greene.

If a goverment acts like a bully ,and or behaves with an authoritarian attitude ,and demands everyone do their bidding no matter what then people would get pissed off and not do it. In Greece it is mandatory to get the shot. But the means they achieved that are shady and dictarotative. Add corruption and some nasty laws the goverment has passed and you have a perfect recipe for people to not want tk get it. Sometimes values are more important than health. Plus the majority of those who dont want tk get it or dont get because of politics are 20-40 (at least here) so. Then you have some nuts that are so fanatical that because their party leader is not the prime minister simply refuse to get it

Ahhh yes. Because the democrats with Biden are so nice right? Well better withdraw troops from Afghanistan and let the populatiom get massacred to a war i started
Cant believe people are so brainwashed that they choose between parties. They all literaly get thousands per month while you ordimary people are struggling to get by.

There will never be a requirement for all citizens to get the vaccine in the US. The only requirements we are seeing is for healthcare workers, and they are already required to get certain vaccines as part of their job, such as the annual influenza shot.

However, that doesn’t stop people from inventing conspiracies about evil government programs in order to feel justified in not getting the vaccine. You can’t cure crazy.


I’m not a democrat, and the vaccine is not about politics. It is utterly wrongheaded to say that it is. And no, I am not happy about Afghanistan.

Are you sure? Because in the birthplace of democrasy it is

I explained how above. Wrong might be for you yes not for me. I understand why some people dont get them as i explained above and not blame them.


What i said precisely was

Getting tired of beign miseread in this forum. Seems people are ignoring my answers just to pick a fight with me

People reject getting vaccinated for political reasons, so we agree. All I said was that the vaccine is not about politics… it’s about science and medicine.

Yes, I’m sure. It would be political suicide to push such a bill at the Federal level. Perhaps some states might try to push something, but it’s a no-go at the federal level.

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In Texas, the legislature and governor even banned companies from requiring a vaccine passport, as well as refusing to offer one to those who want one, like me. No hope for requiring vaccinations.
But they did pass open carry laws where anyone can carry a gun on their hip without a license or training. Thankfully, they only meet every two years.


Well then pray for Greece i guess. The birthplace of democrasy has become an authoritative regime of vaccine passports ,where if someone dont want to get the jab is even exmpted from the supermarket.

Isnt it stupid to have one though? Like i got the jab and the passport its literary uselles to me. Its a uselles passport . Like i dont get it should i feel some kind of privilege from getting it? It is mandatoey sadly here(to get the passport as well with the jab) or else i would never have asked for ir

Maybe somebody could start a conspiracy rumor that ammo is being laced with the vaccine. Might cut down on shootings.


I think that if you travel much, documentation of immunization may eventually make your life easier. Hopefully, if vaccinated can travel internationally without quarantines or having to get tested every flight.