Annual Reminder of Year End Giving Time!

See our Year End wrap up video here: Meeting the Moment in 2020 | If you journeyed with us through this challenging year, either through our virtual events, or our Christian Statement on Science in Pandemic Times, we... | By BioLogos | Facebook

We are so glad that you have found a home and community here on the (FREE!) BioLogos Forum. We hope you have seen the value of finding answers, asking questions, an``d the spirit of grace in your conversations here over the past year. Our moderators work tirelessly to try and keep the peace around here, and many of you participate on a level like it’s your job!

The BioLogos Forum is simply one of the resources we are able to provide at BioLogos, with help from our funders. As we create resources and spaces for the science and faith discussion, we rely on grassroots donors to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Please consider BioLogos for your year-end giving. We value your participation in this community, and with your help, hope to keep this avenue open for people to explore their questions.



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Let me chime here to @HRankin’s OP.

Lots of people think we have no need for individual donors because we have a storeroom full of cash from the Templeton Foundation. But that’s just not how it works with Templeton. Funds from them are very narrowly focused on specific projects, and we have to spend a lot of time documenting that their funds were used as approved. And it is part of Templeton’s intention that they help to start up projects, and then those have to find a way to keep themselves going. So it has been part of our strategic planning to increase every year both the amount of money we raise from individuals and the percentage of our annual budget that comes from individual donations.

I think you’ll find from the publicly accessible documents about such things, that among the big four science and faith orgs, we operate on the smallest overall budget. And this was 2020… Like lots of other non-profits this year, we had to cut our budgets in spite of being busier than ever trying to keep up with COVID, race crises, and Francis’s Templeton honor (besides the usual science and religion things we do).

If COVID put you in a tight spot financially this year, please feel no obligation to contribute to BioLogos. Just enjoy our resources, and maybe share them with others who might benefit. But if you are able and you value our work (including the Forum!), please consider making a year end gift. I’d love to be able to report back that the Forum users are our most faithful supporters!

Here’s a link to our giving page.

Blessings to you all this New Year!

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Guilty and will make the tithe soon.

Hey that was easier than I remembered. Wish it was more but I just made a down payment on ‘wheelchair’ for my 12 year old pup with a degenerative spine condition. Hoping to see her old joy back for whatever years or months she may have in her.

Aw, thanks Mark! And hoping your dear pup enjoys their new chair!!

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